Mentoring Program Curriculum

    1. What You Will Get From This Chapter

    2. The BOSS Up

    3. Aware And Prepared

    4. Boss Up Book Download

    5. Leader Types

    6. Purposed To Lead

    7. Leadership Quiz

    1. What You Will Get From This Chapter

    2. Young Entrepreneur

    3. Todays Thriving Business

    4. Your Identity

    5. It's Your Game And Your Choice

    6. Daring For The Win

    7. Consider When Choosing Your Business

    8. Model Your Options

    9. Business Demand Reflect

    10. Entrepreuners

    11. What Did You Learn?

    12. Model It

    1. What You Will Get From This Chapter

    2. Let's Get Fit

    3. Heigene World

    4. Hygiene Value

    5. Fit Children

    6. Fit Technologies

    7. Fitness Technology In Classroom

    8. Fit And Well

    9. Youth Fit You Rock

    10. Fit And Well Quiz

    1. What You Will Get From This Chapter

    2. Brand And Appearance

    3. Establishing Your Overarching Goals

    4. Branding Questions To Ponder

    5. Research And Development (R&D)

    1. What You Will Get From This Chapter

    2. Autism Awareness Month Sing For Mariah

    3. Your Presentation

    4. Professionalism And Finances

    5. Pitch Time

    6. Pitch Quiz

About this course

  • $149.00
  • 54 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content